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Từ khóa: futures, stock, trading, Getting started


Getting Started in Futures

Bắt đầu tìm hiểu về hợp đồng tương lai, chứng khoán phái sinh.

Đặt in thành sách tại HoaXanh, xem sách in mẩu trong video bên dưới.

  • 120,000đ
  • Mã sản phẩm: FD
  • Tình trạng: 2

Basic Terms and Concepts 

Futures Markets Today 

The Speculator 

The Hedger 
The Green Stuff 
The Orders 
The Arena

Fundamental Analysis

Technical Analysis 

Hedging Revisited 

The Financial Futures 
Single-Stock Futures 

Money Management for Speculators 

Futures Options 

Rules and Regulations 

Contracts in Brief 

Discover Electricity 

Trading Futures Electronically 
Day Trading 

More Chart Patterns and What They Mean 

More About Point-and-Figure Charts 

More About Moving Averages 

More About Stochastics and Relative Strength 

Single-Stock Futures Traded on OneChicago 

Single-Stock Futures Traded on LIFFE CONNECT 

Overseas Futures Markets 

Firms with Direct Access for Electronic Trading

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